Exploring Our v37 Container Updates
At OpenFin, we're committed to helping teams work smarter, faster, and more effectively. To fulfill our mission of enabling frictionless, productive workflows on the desktop, we recently introduced v37 of Container.
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What’s New in OpenFin April 2024
What's New in OpenFin highlights our newest services, features, and announcements. Our new enhancement make your digital work frictionless and delightfully productive wherever you are, helping you save time and money.
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Exploring Our v36 Container Updates
At OpenFin, we're committed to helping teams work smarter, faster, and more effectively. To fulfill our mission of enabling frictionless, productive workflows on the desktop, we recently introduced v36 of Container.
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What’s New in OpenFin February 2024
We’re constantly adding new innovations to make digital work frictionless and delightfully productive wherever you are. What's New in OpenFin highlights our newest services, features, and announcements.
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Exploring Our v35 Container Updates
We recently introduced v35 of OpenFin Container. Being co-stable with Chrome means that OpenFin now delivers the enterprise security and architecture needed by our customers.
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Boost Productivity with OpenFin’s Salesforce Integration
OpenFin’s customers can now benefit from a seamless integration creating great customer and employee experiences.
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FDC3 Interoperability Across Devices
We’re introducing a new service we call “Interop Anywhere” that enables FDC3 interoperability not just on the same device, but also across devices.
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Explore 2023's Top OpenFin Workspace Innovations
And that’s a wrap on 2023! A big year for OpenFin Workspace … We delivered more than 30 updates, features, and products this year and had 9.5x YoY user growth on the platform.
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Unlock Productivity: Enhance Workflows With OpenFin’s ServiceNow Integration
Today, we’re excited to announce an integration with ServiceNow that addresses this challenge by providing a seamless and integrated experience around ServiceNow®.
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OpenFin Workspace: Any Device, Any OS.
OpenFin Workspace will soon be available on all devices, giving you the power of Workspace while you're on the move. Developers can write code once and deploy it across mobile, tablet, and desktop.
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